Planning Application Query Result
Planning Application Number: 137139
Application type: Telecomms Determin. - 56 days
Application date: 18/12/2017
Planning officer: Former officer
Description of proposal:
Application for prior notification to install smart metering equipmenton proposed 12.8m streetworks pole, 2no. concrete plinths and associated works.
Application for prior notification to install smart metering equipmenton proposed 12.8m streetworks pole, 2no. concrete plinths and associated works.
Location of proposal:
SW Site on Capper Avenue, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 5XU
SW Site on Capper Avenue, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 5XU
Applicant name: WHP Wilkinson Helsby
Ward: Hemswell
Parish: Hemswell Cliff
Status: Public Consultation Period underway
Ward: Hemswell
Parish: Hemswell Cliff
Status: Public Consultation Period underway
Agent name:
Agent address:
Agent address:
Date of decision: 30/01/2018
Decision: Granted with conditions
Appeal date:
Appeal result: