West Lindsey District Council

Planning Application Query Result

Planning Application Number: 145381
Application type: Householder Application
Application date: 10/08/2022
Planning officer: Richard Green
Description of proposal:
Planning Application to remove existing garage and erect detached double garage, summerhouse, surrounding deck with hot tub and associated landscaping.
Location of proposal:
Fairview House, Kettlethorpe Road, Laughterton, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 2LB
Applicant name: Mr & Mrs M. Hill

Ward: Torksey

Parish: Kettlethorpe

Status: Application Determined
Agent name: Mr Keir Taylor

Agent address: Keir Architecture Ltd, 6, Orchard Fields, Healing, Nr Grimsby, DN41 7AF
Date of decision: 13/10/2022
Decision: Granted time limit plus conditions
Appeal date:
Appeal result: