Planning Application documents

Documents for planning application: 128966 - Kingthorpe Manor Farm, New Apley Lane, Kingthorpe, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 5JF

#DateDocument typeDescriptionAdditional information
104/02/2013Application - Officers ReportOFFICER REPORT
206/02/2013Application - DecisionDECISION NOTICE
3Not availableApplication - Application FormApplication - Application Form
4Not availableApplication - Supporting DocumentsDESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT
5Not availableApplication - Supporting DocumentsDESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT
6Not availableApplication - DrawingPLAN AND ELEVATION OF PANELS160-1332
7Not availableApplication - DrawingPLAN AND ELEVATION OF PANELS160-1332
814/12/2012Application - OtherTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
9Not availableApplication - OtherTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
10Not availableApplication - OtherTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
11Not availableApplication - OtherTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
12Not availableApplication - Site Layout / Block PlanBLOCK PLAN/LOCATION PLAN160-1333
13Not availableApplication - Site Layout / Block PlanBLOCK PLAN/LOCATION PLAN160-1333
14Not availableApplication - PhotoPHOTOS OF PANELS IN SITU
15Not availableApplication - PhotoPHOTOS OF PANELS IN SITU
1614/12/2012Application - PhotoPHOTOS OF PANELS IN SITU

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