Planning Application documents

Documents for planning application: 130020 - Land between 20 and 22 The Rookery, Scotter, Gainsborough, DN21 3FB

#DateDocument typeDescriptionAdditional information
120/05/2013Application - Application FormAPPLICATION FOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION
220/05/2013Application - Site Location PlanSITE LOCATION PLAN
320/05/2013Application - Site Layout / Block PlanBLOCK PLAN
407/06/2013Application - Consultee ResponseHIGHWAYS RESPONSE
506/06/2013Application - Consultee ResponseENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMENTS
613/05/2014Application - Appeal CorrespondenceApplication - Appeal Correspondence
713/05/2014Application - Appeal CorrespondenceApplication - Appeal Correspondence
8Not availableApplication - Parish Council ResponseSCOTTER PARISH COUNCIL RESPONSE
919/06/2013Application - Consultee ResponseNEIGHBOUR COMMENT - OAKWOOD HOUSE

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