Planning Application documents
Documents for planning application: 134096 - Land off, Hawthorn Road, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln,
# | Date | Document type | Description | Additional information |
1 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Application Form | Application - Application Form | |
2 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Site Location Plan | EXISTING PHASES 1 & 2 | 769 (08) 001 REV A00 |
3 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Site Layout / Block Plan | EXISTING PHASES 1 & 2 | 769 (08) 002 REV A00 |
4 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Site Layout / Block Plan | PROPOSED PHASES 1 & 2 | 769 (08) 003 REV A00 |
5 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Site Layout / Block Plan | PROPOSED PHASES 1 & 2 DRAWING 1 OF 2 | 769 (08) 004 REV A00 |
6 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Site Layout / Block Plan | PROPOSED PHASES 1 & 2 DRAWING 2 OF 2 | 769 (08) 005 REV A00 |
7 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Site Layout / Block Plan | DETAILING PROPOSED BOUNDARY TREATMENT PLAN PHASES 1 & 2 | 769 (08) 007 REV A00 |
8 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 1 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 008 REV A00 |
9 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 2 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 009 REV A00 |
10 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 3 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 010 REV A00 |
11 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 4 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 011 REV A00 |
12 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 5 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 012 REV A00 |
13 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 6 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 013 REV A00 |
14 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 7 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 014 REV A00 |
15 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 8 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 015 REV A00 |
16 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 9 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW I | 769 (08) 016 REV A00 |
17 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 10 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 017 REV A00 |
18 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 11 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 018 REV A00 |
19 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 12 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 019 REV A00 |
20 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 14 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 021 REV A00 |
21 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 15 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 022 REV A00 |
22 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 16 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 023 REV A00 |
23 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 17 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 024 REV A00 |
24 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 18 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 025 REV A00 |
25 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 19 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 026 REV A00 |
26 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 20 - PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS SECTION AND INDICATIVE STREET VIEW | 769 (08) 027 REV A00 |
27 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | PROPOSED SITE SECTION INCLUDING INDICATIVE AERIAL VIEW & SITE BLOCK PLAN | 769 (08) 028 REV A00 |
28 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | PROPOSED OWNERSHIP PLAN | 769 (08) 029 REV A00 |
29 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY | 1248/004 |
30 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Supporting Documents | TREE SURVEY | |
31 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | ROOT PROTECTION AREA PLAN | 30034-10-1 REV 0 |
32 | 18/03/2016 | Application - Consultee Response | LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE | |
33 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | BLOCK 13- PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS | 769 (08) 020 REV A01 |
34 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Drawing | PROPOSED SITE SECTIONS | 769 (08) 030 REV A00 |
35 | 19/03/2016 | Application - Public Comments | ONLINE COMMENT: OBJECT TO PROPOSAL FOR APPLICATION 134096 | |
36 | 24/03/2016 | Application - Consultee Response | Application - Consultee Response | |
37 | 05/04/2016 | Application - Public Comments | ONLINE COMMENT: OBJECT TO PROPOSAL FOR APPLICATION 134096 | |
38 | 05/04/2016 | Application - Consultee Response | INTERNAL CONSULTATION COMMENTS | |
39 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Supporting Documents | FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT | |
40 | 02/06/2016 | Application - Correspondence | LETTER TO AGENT | |
41 | 04/07/2016 | Application - Supporting Documents | TRANSPORT STATEMENT | |
42 | 22/07/2016 | Application - Other | SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT | |
43 | 09/03/2017 | Application - Site Layout / Block Plan | PROP PHASE 4 SITE PLAN | RDS 11268/01 |
44 | 10/03/2017 | Application - Consultee Response | NHS | |
45 | 21/03/2017 | Application - Consultee Response | FORESTRY COMMISSION | |
46 | 22/03/2017 | Application - Consultee Response | Application - Consultee Response | |
47 | 23/03/2017 | Application - Consultee Response | WARD MEMBER COMMENT | |
48 | 28/03/2017 | Application - Other | PLOT DETAILS | |
49 | 01/06/2017 | Application - Officers Report | Application - Officers Report | |
50 | 01/06/2017 | Application - Decision | Application - Decision | |
51 | 01/12/2017 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | Application - Appeal Correspondence | |
52 | 07/03/2016 | Application - Supporting Documents | PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL | |
53 | Not available | Application - Other | FINAL PLANNING STATEMENT | |
54 | Not available | Application - Consultee Response | NATURAL ENGLAND | |
55 | 21/03/2016 | Application - Consultee Response | CLLR WELBURN | |
56 | Not available | Application - Parish Council Response | CHERRY WILLINGHAM | |
57 | 07/03/2017 | Application - Consultee Response | Application - Consultee Response | |
58 | Not available | Application - Other | DRAINAGE STRATEGY | |
59 | 16/03/2017 | Application - Consultee Response | Application - Consultee Response | |
60 | Not available | Application - Correspondence | AGENT IN RELATION TO REPLACEMENT TO TREES | |
61 | 22/03/2017 | Application - Consultee Response | WILDLIFE TRUST | |
62 | 30/04/2016 | Application - Consultee Response | STRATEGIC HOUSING MANAGER | |
63 | 28/03/2017 | Application - Consultee Response | NHS LINCOLNSHIRE RESPONCE | |
64 | 28/03/2017 | Application - Other | EMAIL REGARDING EXTENSION OF TIME | |
65 | Not available | Application - Other | EMAIL RESPONCE TO COUNTY COUNCIL | |
66 | 29/03/2017 | Application - Correspondence | EMAIL CORRESPONDANCE - DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS OFFICER |