Planning Application documents

Documents for planning application: 136770 - The Foundry, 56, Bridge Street, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 1LS

#DateDocument typeDescriptionAdditional information
112/10/2017Application - Application FormApplication - Application Form
212/10/2017Application - Site Location PlanApplication - Site Location Plan
312/10/2017Application - Site Layout / Block PlanApplication - Site Layout / Block Plan
412/10/2017Application - DrawingGROUND FLOOR PLANS1
512/10/2017Application - DrawingFIRST FLOOR PLANS2
612/10/2017Application - DrawingSECOND FLOOR PLANS3
712/10/2017Application - DrawingELEVATIONS4
807/11/2017Application - Consultee ResponseApplication - Consultee Response
907/11/2017Application - Consultee ResponseApplication - Consultee Response
1008/11/2017Application - Consultee ResponseENVIRONMENT AGENCY
1101/12/2017Application - Consultee ResponseENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY REVISED RESPONSE
1201/12/2017Application - Consultee ResponseCONSERVATION OFFICER RESPONSE
1305/12/2017Application - Officers NotesEMAIL FROM AGENT
1406/12/2017Application - DecisionApplication - Decision
1506/12/2017Application - Officers ReportApplication - Officers Report
16Not availableApplication - Supporting DocumentsFLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT
1712/10/2017Application - Supporting DocumentsPLANNING STATEMENT
18Not availableApplication - Consultee ResponseENVIRONMENT AGENCY

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