Planning Application documents

Documents for planning application: 137763 - Gainsborough Riverside, Land at Carr Lane, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 1LH

#DateDocument typeDescriptionAdditional information
125/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 1
225/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 1
325/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 2
425/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 3
525/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 4
625/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 5
725/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 6
825/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 7
925/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 8
1025/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 9
1125/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 10
1225/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 2 DESIGN CONCEPT PART 11
1325/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 3 LANDSCAPE DESIGN DETAIL PART 1
1425/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 3 LANDSCAPE DESIGN DETAIL PART 3
1525/06/2018Application - OtherHERITAGE STATEMENT
1725/06/2018Application - Site Location PlanApplication - Site Location PlanGR17-WRI-AA-ZZ-DR-A-(01) 04
1825/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE A1 FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 01
1925/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE A2 FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 02
2025/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE B2 FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 04
2125/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE C1 AND C2 FLOOR PLANSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 05
2225/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE C1 AND C2 ELEVATION 1 OF 2GR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 06
2325/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE C1 AND C2 ELEVATION 2 OF 2GR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 07
2425/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE X FLOOR PLANSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 08
2525/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE X ELEVATIONS 1 OF 2GR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 09
2625/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE X ELEVATIONS 2 OF 2GR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 10
2725/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE Y FLOOR PLANSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 11
2825/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE Y ELEVATIONS 1 OF 2GR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 12
2925/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE Y ELEVATIONS 2 OF 2GR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 13
3025/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE Z FLOOR PLANSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 14
3125/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE Z ELEVATIONS 1 OF 2GR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 15
3225/06/2018Application - DrawingAPARTMENT TYPE Z ELEVATIONS 2 OF 2GR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 16
3325/06/2018Application - DrawingPROPOSED STREET ELEVATIONSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 19
3425/06/2018Application - DrawingPROPOSED VISUALSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(07) 03
3525/06/2018Application - DrawingPROPOSED ROOFING PLANGR17-WRI-AA-ZZ-DR-A(01)03 REV F
3625/06/2018Application - OtherREMEDIATION STRATEGY
3725/06/2018Application - OtherFLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT 2 OF 2
3825/06/2018Application - OtherMAINS EASEMENT
3925/06/2018Application - OtherECOLOGY REPORT
4025/06/2018Application - OtherRESIDENTIAL TRAVEL PLAN 2 OF 2
4125/06/2018Application - OtherCONDITION 16 LAND STABILITY
4225/06/2018Application - OtherCONDITION 15 TIE RODS
4325/06/2018Application - OtherCONDITION 15 TIE RODS VOL 2 OF 2
4425/06/2018Application - OtherCONDITION 15 TIE RODS VOL 1 OF 2
4525/06/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsPART 7
4625/06/2018Application - DrawingPROPOSED PARKINGGR17-WRI-AA-ZZ-DR-A(01) 02 REV 1
4725/06/2018Application - Site Location PlanEXISTINGGR17-WRI-AA-ZZ-DR-A-(01) 01 REV A
4825/06/2018Application - Site Layout / Block PlanPROPOSED PARKING AND ACCESSGR17-WRI-AA-ZZ-DR-A(01) 02 REV I
4925/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE A3 FLOOR PLANSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 17
5025/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE A3 ELEVATIONSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 18
5125/06/2018Application - DrawingHOUSE TYPE B1 FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONSGR17-WRI-ZZ-00-DR-A-(00) 03 REV A
5206/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponseApplication - Consultee Response
5317/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponseSHIRE GROUP OF IDBS
5430/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponseIGAS ENERGY
5501/08/2018Application - Consultee ResponseENVIRONMENT AGENCY
5606/08/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION
5716/08/2018Application - Consultee ResponseApplication - Consultee Response
5928/09/2018Application - DecisionApplication - Decision
6019/11/2018Application - Supporting DocumentsVIABILITY ASSESSEMENT
6128/09/2018Application - Officers ReportApplication - Officers Report
62Not availableApplication - OtherFLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT 1 OF 2
6325/06/2018Application - OtherCONDITION 67 AND 10 DRAINAGE STRATEGY VOL 1 OF 3
64Not availableApplication - OtherCONDITION 67 AND 10 DRAINAGE STRATEGY VOL 2 OF 3
6525/06/2018Application - OtherCONDITION 67 AND 10 DRAINAGE STRATEGY VOL 3 OF 3
6625/06/2018Application - Application FormApplication - Application Form
67Not availableApplication - Consultee ResponseHEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE
6829/06/2018Application - Consultee ResponseLINCOLNSHIRE POLICE HQ
6909/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponsePLANT PROTECTION: NATIONAL GRID
7009/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponsePLANT PROTECTION: NATIONAL GRID
7113/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponseLINCOLNSHIRE FIRE & RESCUE
7206/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponseNATURAL ENGLAND
73Not availableApplication - Consultee ResponseIGAS
7416/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponseCANAL & RIVER TRUST
7523/07/2018Application - Public CommentsKERRY INGREDIENTS
7623/07/2018Application - OtherGREAT CRESTED NEWT ASSESSMENT
77Not availableApplication - Parish Council ResponseApplication - Parish Council Response
78Not availableApplication - Consultee ResponseNHS ENGLAND
7931/07/2018Application - Consultee ResponseSTRATEGIC HOUSING
80Not availableApplication - Consultee ResponseLCC EDUCATION
8107/09/2018Application - Consultee ResponseENVIRONMENT AGENCY
8225/06/2018Application - OtherRESIDENTIAL TRAVEL PLAN 1 OF 2
83Not availableApplication - OtherREPTILE SURVEY
8419/09/2018Application - CorrespondenceROADS ADOPTION LETTER
8528/09/2018Application - CorrespondenceTRANSPORT ASSESSMENT COVER LETTER
8628/09/2018Application - OtherTRANSPORT ASSESSMENT
8704/07/2018Application - Public CommentsONLINE COMMENT: OBJECT TO PROPOSAL FOR APPLICATION 137763

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