Planning Application documents
Documents for planning application: 140611 - Land East of, Mill Lane, Osgodby, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3TB
# | Date | Document type | Description | Additional information |
1 | 11/12/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | Application - Appeal Correspondence | |
2 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Photo | SUPPORTING PHOTOS | DOCTA5 |
3 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Supporting Documents | FIVE YEAR LAND SUPPLY REPORT | DOCTA9 |
4 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Other | EXTRACT FROM HELAA APP E DATA SHEET | DOCTA10 |
5 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Other | OSGODBY HEAT MAP | DOCTA11 |
6 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Other | 137045 LOCATION PLAN | DOCTA12 |
7 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Other | 138954 PROPOSED SITE PLAN | DOCTA13 |
8 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Other | APPEAL DECISION BROWNFIELD LAND | DOCTA14 |
9 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Other | 136994 SCHEME OF DELEGATION REPORT | DOCTA15 |
10 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Other | APPEAL DECISION 135432 | DOCTA16 |
11 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Site Layout / Block Plan | PROPOSED | DOCTA4 |
12 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Site Layout / Block Plan | EXISTING | DOCTA3 |
13 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Supporting Documents | PLANNING STATEMENT | DOCTA1 |
14 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Site Location Plan | Application - Site Location Plan | DOCTA2 |
15 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Photo | MILL LANE MAP 4 | DOCTA6 |
16 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Photo | MILL LANE MAP 5 | DOCTA7 |
17 | 04/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | TREFENWOLD | |
18 | 12/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | BARLEY HOUSE | |
19 | 12/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | CHERITON | |
20 | 14/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | BARLEY HOUSE | |
21 | 14/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | CHERITON | |
22 | 15/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | BROOKFIELD HOUSE | |
23 | 15/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | MILL HOUSE | |
24 | 18/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | MOORSIDE | |
25 | 20/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | SCAYGATE COTTAGE | |
26 | 30/03/2020 | Application - Consultee Response | EXTENSION OF TIME | |
27 | 30/03/2020 | Application - Public Comments | RED HOUSE | |
28 | 06/04/2020 | Application - Consultee Response | Application - Consultee Response | |
29 | 10/04/2020 | Application - Correspondence | AGENT RESPONSE TO HIGHWAYS | |
30 | 14/04/2020 | Application - Decision | Application - Decision | |
31 | 27/04/2020 | Application - Officers Report | Application - Officers Report | |
32 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E0-APPEAL FULL STATEMENT OF CASE | |
33 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E1-OSGODBY NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN | |
34 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E2-OSGODBY DESIGN CHARACTER APPRAISAL | |
35 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E3-140611 APPEAL SITE SCHEME OF DELEGATION | |
36 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E4-MAIL FOR MEETING 11.03.20 | |
37 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E5-140611 ACTUAL APPEAL SITE NOTICE WITH CONSULTATION END DATE | |
38 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E6-OSGODBY PARISH GROWTH LEVELS 07 07 20 | |
39 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E7-141090 CHARITY FARM DECISION | |
40 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E8-136994 DECISION | |
41 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E9-136994 SCHEME OF DELEGATION | |
42 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E10-136994 SITE NOTICE REPLY FORM | |
43 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E11-ADOPTED CLLP 22.5.17 | |
44 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E12-MILL LANE PROPERTIES GETTING SMALLER | |
45 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E13-137043 REAR OF NASHS ROW SCHEME OF DELEGATION | |
46 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E14-137043 REAR OF NASHS ROW PLAN SNIPPET | |
47 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E15-ALL REFERENCED APPLICATIONS MAP | |
48 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E16-130245 ANNEXE BLOCK PLAN AND LOCATION PLAN | |
49 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E17-130245 ANNEXE FURTHER BACK | |
50 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E18-130245 THE ANNEXE COUNCIL TAX BAND | |
51 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E19-ONDP HEAT MAP EXTENDED | |
52 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E20-NOS5 | |
53 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E21-137045 ORCHARD CLOSE 4 SCHEME OF DELEGATION | |
54 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E22-137045 ORCHARD CLOSE FRONT PLOT ROAD PROXIMITY | |
55 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E23-137045 ORCHARD CLOSE CLOSE COMPARISON | |
56 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E24-NORTH OF SITE PICS | |
57 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E25-SOUTH OF SITE PICS | |
58 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E26-INTERNAL TO SITE PICS | |
59 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E27-SITE TREE COVER AND VISIBILITY FROM AFAR | |
60 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E28-SITE VISIBILITY FROM OTHER DWELLINGS | |
61 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E29-ROOFLINES NEARBY | |
62 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E30-GARDEN SIZES | |
63 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E31-140611 SOFD MAP WITH ADDITIONS | |
64 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E32-PROCEDURAL_GUIDE_PLANNING_APPEALS_VERSION_10 | |
65 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E33-NPPF_FEB_2019_REVISED | |
66 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E34-140410 OLD YARD 4 TO 3 DISCUSSION SITE PLANS | |
67 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E35-137045 ORCHARD CLOSE DWELLING NUMBERS DISCUSSION | |
68 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E36-HIGHWAYS WIDENING SCHEME MAP | |
69 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E37-HIGHWAYS SPEED SIGN LOCATION CHANGE | |
70 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E38-140611 HIGHWAYS EXTENSION REQUEST | |
71 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E39-136994 HIGHWAYS RESPONSE | |
72 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E40-HIGHWAYS EXTENSION REQUEST OBJECTION 30.03.20 | |
73 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E41-POS MAIL ABOUT HIGHWAYS CONTACT 30.03.20 | |
74 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E42-140611 HIGHWAYS COMMENT FROM APPLICANT | |
75 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E43-140611 HIGHWAYS DETERMINATION | |
76 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E44-140410 OLD YARD 3RD PLAN PROPOSED | |
77 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E45-140929 ALMONDBURY PLAN PROPOSED | |
78 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E46-140513 DANIEL EVANS REPORT | |
79 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E47-135514 3 HOUSE BACKLAND SITE PLAN | |
80 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E48-140611 SOFD RELEASE REQUEST | |
81 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E49-TANGLEWOOD APPEAL DECISION | |
82 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E50-140997 WORKING WITH APPLICANT MAIL | |
83 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E51-ALL REFERENCED APPLICATIONS LIST | |
84 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E52-135432 TANGLEWOOD SOFD | |
85 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E53-OBJECTIONS SUMMARY AND MAP | |
86 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E54-OBJECTIONS LIST TAKEN FROM 140611 SOFD | |
87 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E55-DANIEL EVANS DECISION MAIL 15.04.20 | |
88 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E56-140611 DECISION | |
89 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E57-140611 SITE NOTICE | |
90 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E58-140513 VIDEO PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING | |
91 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E59-140513 DECISION BY DANIEL EVANS 30.04.20 | |
92 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E60-140128 DECISION ADDITIONAL 5TH EFFICIENT LAND USE | |
93 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | E61-140644 LAYOUT PLAN WITH GARDEN DEPTH | |
94 | 10/09/2020 | Application - Appeal Correspondence | 01 APPEAL FORM | |
95 | 19/02/2020 | Application - Other | LAND CONSULATION | DOCTA8 |
96 | 24/02/2020 | Application - Site Notice | SITE NOTICE REPLY | |
97 | Not available | Application - Parish Council Response | Application - Parish Council Response |