Planning Application documents

Documents for planning application: 141128 - Land adj, 19, Brook Street, Hemswell, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5UJ

#DateDocument typeDescriptionAdditional information
125/01/2021Application - OtherCOMMITTEE MINUTES 24.8.20
225/01/2021Application - Supporting DocumentsADDITIONAL SUPPORTING INFORMATION
325/01/2021Application - Supporting DocumentsHISTORIC BUILDING RECORD
425/01/2021Application - Supporting DocumentsSTRUCTURAL REPORT
604/03/2021Application - DecisionApplication - Decision
723/02/2021Application - Officers ReportApplication - Officers Report
809/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPEAL STATEMENT
909/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPENDIX 1
1009/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPENDIX 1 PART 2
1109/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPENDIX 2
1209/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPENDIX 3
1309/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPENDIX 4
1409/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPENDIX 5
1509/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPENDIX 6
1609/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPENDIX 7
1709/09/2021Application - Appeal CorrespondenceAPPEAL FORM
1819/05/2022Application - Appeal CorrespondenceApplication - Appeal Correspondence
1910/06/2020Application - Site Location PlanApplication - Site Location Plan01 REV A
2010/06/2020Application - Site Layout / Block PlanEXISTING02 REV A
2110/06/2020Application - Site Layout / Block PlanPROPOSED03 REV A
2210/06/2020Application - DrawingEXISTING PLANS AND ELEVATIONS4
2310/06/2020Application - DrawingPROPOSED PLANS AND ELEVATIONS05 REV B
2410/06/2020Application - DrawingPROPOSED SECTIONS06 REV B
2510/06/2020Application - Supporting DocumentsSUPERSEDED INC HERITAGE STATEMENT
2610/06/2020Application - Application FormApplication - Application Form
2716/06/2020Application - Supporting DocumentsAMENDED WITH HERITAGE STATEMENT
2822/06/2020Application - Consultee ResponseApplication - Consultee Response
2929/06/2020Application - Consultee ResponseBAT GROUP
3001/07/2020Application - Consultee ResponseApplication - Consultee Response
3117/07/2020Application - Public CommentsPEAR TREE HOUSE 17A BROOK STREET
3222/07/2020Application - Supporting DocumentsBAT SURVEY
3316/08/2020Application - Public CommentsLINCOLNSHIRE BAT GROUP
3410/06/2020Application - CorrespondenceAPPLICATION COVERING LETTER
3510/06/2020Application - Supporting DocumentsSTRUCTURAL REPORT
3610/06/2020Application - Supporting DocumentsBAT BUILDING REPORT
3723/06/2020Application - Site NoticeApplication - Site Notice
3829/06/2020Application - Consultee ResponseNATURAL ENGLAND
3930/06/2020Application - Parish Council ResponseApplication - Parish Council Response
4028/07/2020Application - Supporting DocumentsSTRUCTURAL REPORT M04/P/0684
4125/01/2021Application - OtherLETTER TO PLANNING COMMITTEE

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